Unlock the Power of Email Marketing with App Design 360

Email Marketing is a rather old but digital marketing strategy with high potential. At App Design 360, we recognize email marketing's potential to drive customer engagement and build lasting relationships.

Email marketing 1@0.5x

What do We Offer?

Our Email Marketing Services:

Reach out to your future customers with email marketing at App Design 360.

Email Marketing 2@0.5x

Email Campaign Design and Creation

Our team of innovative designers and dedicated copywriting experts collaborate to design email marketing campaigns. From promotional emails to drip campaigns and event invitations, we design and execute campaigns that generate results.

List Building and Management

Building a quality email list is crucial to the success of email marketing efforts. Our link-building experts employ proven strategies to grow your organic subscribers and deliver your message to your audience. We also provide list management services to maximize the effectiveness of the campaigns.

Automation and Personalization

We use marketing automation to streamline your efforts and offer customers a personalized experiences. We also set up automated workflows to nurture leads at every customer journey stage.

Analytics and Reporting

We leverage our expertise in the latest tools and technologies to analyze the performance of your marketing campaigns. We track the key metrics such as open rates, click-through rates, and conversion rates for informed improvements.

A/B Testing

Our experts help you compare the different elements of email by conducting A/B testing. This is a great way to drive continuous improvement and determine the most effective strategies for your business.


Frequently Asked Questions

Don't be shy, your answer is one click away. Also, explore questions that are frequently asked to us.


How can email marketing benefit my business?

Email Marketing is the oldest and most advantageous marketing method. It offers many benefits, such as increased brand awareness, customer engagement, lead generation, and sales conversions. This cost-effective and highly targeted marketing strategy allows you to connect directly with your potential target audience. It helps nurture relationships and drive conversions effectively.

What types of email campaigns can you help me create?

Depending on your marketing needs, we help you create various email campaigns. Our campaign includes creating promotional emails, newsletters, welcome sequences, abandoned cart reminders, re-engagement campaigns, event invitations, and more. Our team will help you successfully execute email campaigns that resonate with your audience.

How do you ensure that my emails reach my subscribers' inboxes?

We follow industry best practices to ensure your emails reach potential customers. This includes maintaining clean lists, certified domains, engaging content, and monitoring performance metrics. Additionally, we stay up-to-date to align with spam laws and inbox placement guidelines.

How do you measure the success of email marketing campaigns?

Our Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) measure the effectiveness and success of your email campaigns. They include open rates, click-through rates, conversion rates, bounce rates, and unsubscribe rates.

Can you help with email list building and management?

We can help you with email list-building services through lead magnets, opt-in forms, and other strategies. We also provide list management services, including cleaning, maintenance, and segmentation, ensuring your email list remains healthy and engaged. Our main aim is to generate healthy emails that can generate leads for your business.


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New York, United States

+1 (551) 348-0707
Queens, New York, United States

New Jersey, United States

+1 (551) 322-0077
Teaneck, New Jersey, United States

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