Stay Ahead Of The Curve: Managed DevOps Services for You!

Are you a business wanting to avoid the hassle of managing a separate development and operation team? We offer managed DevOps service to accelerate your development process in a communicative and collaborative environment.

DevOps as a Service 1@0.5x

What do we Offer?

Our Tailored DevOps As A Service for You

We work closely with you to set up, configure and maintain your applications.

DevOps as a Service 2@0.5x

Infrastructure Automation

We provide you with greater flexibility and velocity by automating your infrastructure. We aim to transform your manual working environment into an automatic one. Also, we help you assign your human resources to the work with greater value.

Continuous Integration/Continuous Deployment (CI/CD)

We help you to automate and streamline your development process. We ensure faster time to market by addressing and accelerating the code integration and development process..

Configuration Management

We use tools like Ansible, Puppet or Chef to manage and configure your infrastructure components and their consistency and reliability. Our comprehensive configuration management process service includes the configuration of artefact and source code repository and architecture.

Monitoring and Logging

Effective monitoring and logging are mandatory in this fast-paced world of DevOps. We monitor your infrastructure to detect anomalies, facilitate troubleshooting and provide insights into your system performance.

Security and Compliance

We integrate security and compliance to ensure software systems’ development, deployment and operation remain up to the standard. We safeguard your technological infrastructure by implementing automated security testing and vulnerability management.


Frequently Asked Questions

Don't be shy, your answer is one click away. Also, explore questions that are frequently asked of us.


What is DevOps as a Service (DaaS), and how does it differ from traditional DevOps?

This is a cloud based service that enables the access to DevOps tools, processes and expertise without managing in-house team. It differs from traditional DevOps by fully managed and scalable solutions without the hassle of managing DevOps practices.

What are the benefits of using DevOps as a Service?

The key benefits of DevOps as a service are:

  • Increased agility,
  • Scalability through cloud-based resources,
  • Access to expert DevOps talent and best practices,
  • Faster time-to-market for software releases,
  • Improved collaboration between development and operations teams,
  • Cost savings by eliminating the need for upfront infrastructure investments.

What services are typically included in DevOps as a Service offerings?

DevOps as a service offers range of services like infrastructure automation, CI/CD, monitoring and logging, security, configuration management and release management etc.

How does DevOps as a Service ensure security and compliance?

DevOps as a Service providers implement compliance and security measures at every stage of the software development lifecycle, including code scanning, vulnerability management, access controls, and audit trails.

What are the key considerations when choosing a DevOps as a Service provider?

When selecting DevOps as a service provider, the main thing organization should consider is provider’s experience and expertise in DevOps practices. Additionally, they should also consider facts like the range and depth of services offered, scalability and flexibility of the platform, pricing and customer support.


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New York, United States
+1 (551) 348-0707
Queens, New York, United States

New Jersey, United States
+1 (551) 322-0077
Teaneck, New Jersey, United States

Ready to get in touch? Whether you have feedbacks, questions, or just want to say hello; we’re here for you. Let’s start the conversation today!

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